Basic Command Lines For DSM 7

File Management on DSM 7 To edit a text file (using vi) vi /location_of_file/file_nameCLICK TO COPY 🐋 To go to a directory cd /directoryNameCLICK TO COPY 🐋 To make a directory mkdir /directoryNameCLICK TO COPY 🐋 List contents of directory dirCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Count the number of files in the current directory and its sub-directories find . -type f | wc -lCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Check size of directory and sub-directories du -ah /path/to/dirCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Find a file find / -name fileNameCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Delete a file rm fileNameCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Delete a directory and its content rm -r directoryNameCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Move or Rename a file mv /sourceDirectory/sourceFile /destinationCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Copy a file cp /sourceDirectory/sourceFile /destinationCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Copy groups of files cp /sourceDirectory/*.* /destinationCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Copy a directory and any sub-directories cp -r -p /sourceDirectory /destinationpathCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Create an uncompressed tar (.tar) archive To create an uncompressed (.tar) archive of all files, directories and subdirectories in the current directory: tar -cvf archivefilename.tar *CLICK TO COPY 🐋 Create a compressed tar (.tgz) archive To create a compressed (.tgz) archive of all files, directories and subdirectories in the current directory: tar -cvzf archivefilename.tgz *CLICK TO COPY 🐋 Unpack .tar archives For uncompressed .tar archives tar xvf file.tarCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Unpack .tar.gz archives For gzip compressed .tar.gz archives tar xvzf file.tar.gzCLICK TO COPY 🐋 System Management on DSM 7 Reboot your Synology NAS device rebootCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Shutdown your Synology NAS device poweroffCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Stop a process on your Synology NAS kill processIDCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Stop a program on your Synology NAS killall programNameCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Display most current processes running on your Synology NAS topCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Report disk space usage on your Synology NAS dfCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Show all current DSM processes psCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Show currently open ports and their status on your Synology NAS netstat -anCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Change Logged in user on your Synology NAS If you are logged in as root/admin you can open a new shell as if you just logged in as another user, substitute xxx with the user name. To return to root session use the command line “exit”. su – xxxCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Install an IPKG program package Note: Install IPKG. ipkg install fileNameCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Uninstall an IPKG program package ipkg remove filenameCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Restart Services on DSM 7 Apache /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/ restartCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Appletalk /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/ restartCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Cron and Crond /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/ stop /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/ start systemctl restart crond systemctl restart synoscheduler CLICK TO COPY 🐋 FTP /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/ restartCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Index /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/ restartCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Itunes /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/ restartCLICK TO COPY 🐋 MySQL /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/ restartCLICK TO COPY 🐋 NFS /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/ restartCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Postgresql /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/ restartCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Samba /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/ restartCLICK TO COPY 🐋 SSH /usr/syno/bin/synosystemctl restart sshd.serviceCLICK TO COPY 🐋 SSH /usr/syno/bin/synosystemctl stop sshd.serviceCLICK TO COPY 🐋 SSH /usr/syno/bin/synosystemctl disable sshd.serviceCLICK TO COPY 🐋 SSH /usr/syno/bin/synosystemctl enable sshd.serviceCLICK TO COPY 🐋 SSH /usr/syno/bin/synosystemctl start sshd.serviceCLICK TO COPY 🐋 System Information on DSM 7 Check system memory info cat /proc/meminfoCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Check CPU Info cat /proc/cpuinfoCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Check Interrupts in use cat /proc/interruptsCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Check the current File Systems in use cat /proc/filesystemsCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Comprehensive information on the file system format tune2fs -l /dev/hda3CLICK TO COPY 🐋 Check the Linux Version of your DSM cat /proc/versionCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Check RAID Devices cat /proc/mdstatCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Check Environment Variables envCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Check what physical and logical disks/partitions you have in a multi-bay NAS cat /proc/diskstatsCLICK TO COPY 🐋 or for all NAS types cat /proc/partitionsCLICK TO COPY 🐋 or for similar, but different info fdisk -lCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Miscellaneous for DSM 7 Clear terminal screen clearCLICK TO COPY 🐋 Note: The command line above also works perfectly with DSM 6.2.4

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